Ukraine War

Thoughts on the War in Ukraine Anniversary of 1yr

Thoughts on this sombre one year anniversary of the brutal war on Ukraine. Could not help thinking about past history of appeasement of Hitler and comparisons to the current day situation in Ukraine.

Hitler did not have a nuclear bomb fortunately and yet the Allies and the West appeased him and Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1939 in futile efforts to avoid war.

Putin has the nuclear bomb and has successfully used the spectre of a nuclear strike to restrict Nato and US involvement to indirect support for Ukraine in a grisly proxy war.

With 12 months gone and the terrible price paid by Ukraine because of Putin’s nuclear bluff, a grim precedent has been set for the future for any tyrant with a nuclear bomb.

Prayers for Ukraine and it’s incredibly brave people and it’s leader Zelenskyy, who everyone had given up on when the war started especially in many European capitals, and who have shown through this year what is possible when people are faced with immense adversity and decide to defend their country against all odds.

The world is not a safer place one year on and the struggle ahead for Ukraine will be long. Let’s hope for Ukraine’s sake the world has courage to do the right thing.