Ukraine Refugees - Humanity and AI

Human Priorities and AI

Reflections on the obsession about AI and Chat GPT vis-à-vis the problems and challenges humanity faces.

The UN predicts that by 2030, up to 700 million people could be displaced by water scarcity, while the World Economic Forum has identified the global water crisis as the top risk to global stability.

300 million live in slums and that number excludes those who are in very basic housing that is not deemed to be in slums

The war in Ukraine rages on – nuclear threat is one artillery shell away from the Zaporzhe nuclear plant

Wars in Yemen, Syria and Horn of Africa continues to ravage populations and condemn them to misery

Climate change and human induced warming is breaking heat records globally across continents

If we assume that the total quantum of human intelligence, resourcefulness and ingenuity is a limited resource to solve myriad problems a world of 8 billion plus faces then what problem from this grim list will AI solve ?

Beyond ridiculous and expansive valuations for AI tools and displacing jobs what is the utility of AI to solve large problems that threaten to disrupt humanity ?

Does the 300 plus living in slums really care about AI ? or the 700 million that could be faced by water scarcity be helped by AI ?

Will war be made worse by AI killing machines ? Yes

Time is running out to solve serious problems facing humanity