Israel and Palestine Conflict Outcome

My thoughts on the current Israel-Palestine conflict. I am not at all optimistic that the current course of action and just cause will lead to any lasting peace when hatred is so deeply embedded.

Two precedents come to mind, one is Afganisthan – what did overwhelming military superiority deliver over the duration of the deployment ? 19 years of hammering the Taliban resulted in what?

Another example of grievous wrong comes to mind – the terror attacks on Bombay referred to in India as 26/11 – for 48 hrs police and army had to fight pitched battles across the city of Mumbai to gain control of key sites from terrorists. The link to a neighboring nation was clearly established, as where the misguided young souls who came to wreak havoc, most to provide a better financial future for their families…India mobilised it;s army and was ready for a cross border strike to avenge 26/11 but cooler heads prevailed and the attack did not happen. It is fool hardy to think that the current shock and awe campaign will bring any lasting peace, it might avenge wrongs but peace will remain elusive.

Food for thought also if the opposition was a nuclear armed neighbor, would the military reaction be in the same proportion? In 2,000 years there has been no lasting peace in the Holy Land, nothing being done now will change that sadly