16th May, 2024. I have been deeply upset all day today. There is no rational basis for my being upset.
The source of my angst is seeing this image of this lady Carla Sanchez with her one year old son.
Carla has traveled from Honduras –
She and her one year old son had crossed the Rio Grande River the night before
but were told by border guards that they could not pass.
Carla does not want to go back across the Rio Grande river to Mexico but does not know what else to do .
So she simply sits and waits….
This is the face of the border horde, the vermin that is poisoning the blood of the country, of the ‘invasion’ in the US Southern Border.
See Carla is an uncomfortable truth for the Fascists on the right, because like Hitler the concept of Untermenschen, the vermin, does not go well with hapless women and children – it has to always embody violent, ugly men.
Posters of the untermenschen circulated by the SS, always had images of violent, crude inhuman men.
Meanwhile the only crime Carla and her son has done is seek a better life, escape persecution.
Whether any of that entails them to a better life or asylum, is not the point here, they might very well be sent back if their claim is found to be unfounded.
But in the interim, how easily do we lose sight, that these are all humans, humans with stories, humans with lives….
The descent into the abyss is easy, very easy by painting everyone as inhuman.
In the interim, Carla and her son faces a bleak future no matter what direction they are able to go …