About Partha

What About Me – I am not sure who am I – I could trot out something grandiose like I am on a journey of discovery that is still continuing, but the reality is lot more stark.

Sometimes I think I am an alien, in another planet, sometimes I feel like an ant, in a vast universe that is largely unexplored and undiscovered.

I have a dim view of the future, I firmly believe that we do not learn from history and as the supposed dominant species on the planet we have spent the majority of our existence fighting – two World Wars in the last 100 years is part evidence of that.

I question human purpose – why are we here – I don’t know the answer.

I am a bean counter by profession – but believe that it is the economy stupid will be one of the causes of downfall of humanity.

What interests me – Fascism  - to fight it – world war 2 and the rise of Nazism – how close we all came to speaking German, the Holocaust – to do my part to ensure Never Again – based on current world events easier said than done.

What is my blog about, anything and everything – subjects of interest, news, lateral thinking – more questions than answers.