Partha Nag

The World We Will Hand Over to the next generation will be far worse than the world we live.

One of the primary purpose of any generation is to hand over a world that is in better shape.  I am not at all optimistic that what the next generation will inherit will be a better world. On the contrary I feel where we are at is how bad to worse a world we hand …

The World We Will Hand Over to the next generation will be far worse than the world we live. Read More »

January 6th 3 years, Insurrection, Putsch and the path to Holocaust

With the 3rd anniversary (if one can call a violent insurrection an anniversary), of January 6th upon us, firstly some stats on the progress of Justice – there has been 1,200 plus arrests, 350 plus convictions, accused of crimes ranging from trespassing, a misdemeanor, to seditious conspiracy, a felony. 350 plus cases are still pending, …

January 6th 3 years, Insurrection, Putsch and the path to Holocaust Read More »